Гомельский государственный технический университет имени П.О.Сухого

Новые поступления электронной библиотеки

Володкович, Е. В., Володкович, С. Л., Ярчак, Л. М.

Представленные результаты социологического опроса по изучению уровня информированности молодежи о здоровье, отношения к некоторым вопросам здоровья и навыкам здорового образа жизни, изучение мотивации к занятиям физической культурой, позволяют выявить существующие проблемы и представить возможные пути решения.

The given results of sociological poll on the level of students’ awareness about health, attitude to some health and healthy lifestyle issues as well as their motivation
to physical culture allow us to reveal existing problems and suggest possible ways of solving them. The results of our research based on questionnaires and pedagogical
observations led to the conclusion that for a large number of students, physical culture and sports activities are not a necessary need, and health and physical fitness are among the leading values. The realities of today show that one of the urgent tasks of physical education at a higher education institution is to encourage students to exercise according to their interests, to be able to use exercises that would fit their physical abilities and promote health. This can be achieved only if the physical culture teacher directs his activity towards the formation of health-saving components among students. Purposeful work is necessary to promote physical culture as one of the most
effective means of strengthening and maintaining health. Such work should be carried out, first of all, due to the practical involvement of students in sports activities. This is possible, for example, by conducting campaign work, finding forms of classes and competitions, allowing each student to try to fulfill their own needs for physical activity. This will form the need to exercise for the rest of my life, to realize that it is necessary in future professional activities as a means of maintaining high performance, to increase students' education in practical issues of using various
means and methods of maintaining health, to achieve an understanding that physical culture is an integral part part of the general culture of the modern specialist. The results of our research based on questionnaires and pedagogical
observations led to the conclusion that for a large number of student youth, physical education and sports activities are not a necessary need, and health and physical fitness are among the leading values. The realities of today show that one of the urgent tasks of physical education at a higher education institution is to encourage students to exercise according to their interests, to be able to use exercises that would fit their physical abilities and promote health. This can be achieved only if the physical culture teacher directs his activity towards the formation of health-saving components among students.

Мурашко, В. С.

Обобщен опыт использования интерактивных элементов электронного курса «Математическое моделирование и алгоритмизация инженерных задач», разработанного в системе управления обучением Moodle.

The experience of using interactive elements of the electronic course «Mathematical modeling and algorithmization of engineering problems» is generalized. This course was developed using course management system Moodle.

ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого
ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого
ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого
ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого
